Hello Book Lovelies,
As you’ve probably noticed I haven’t been posting in a few months and I wanted to update you on why that was and what is to come.
Firstly, my mum passed away October 4th from cancer. She fought the hardest battle of her life and I don’t like to say that she lost because I know she’s in Heaven and her best life is just beginning, but eventually it became too much for her body to handle and she went home to be with God. These months have been the hardest I’ve ever faced. I still cry for no reason at all and I still find my heart breaking over and over again as I begin to discover life without my mum.
Taking these past months to myself to try and cope with this massive life change and heartbreak has been good. However, I’ve missed you all SO much. Even though I’ve been around in and out for the past two years I feel like I’ve been gone that whole time. You know how you feel physically there but not mentally there? My blog, book tube, and Bookstagram account suffered. All the hard work I had put in suddenly felt as though it were slipping through my fingers. Of course, my mum was my first priority and I would never change that for the world but it definitely caused me to take a step or two back from the book world and I missed it more then I can say.
Soooo….now that I am beginning to stabilize a bit and figure out this new normal of life I am working on getting my Bookstagram back in order, filming videos for YouTube and also writing the books I have been wanting to share with all of you for so long. I know my mum always dreamed of me turning writing into a full time job and I want to make that dream a reality, for her and for me.
It may be a slow start as I get my head back into it all and figure out my work flow. I feel a bit overwhelmed at times with all I am trying to catch up on and I need to slow down from time to time.
As I relaunch back into the world of social media and blogging I want to find a balance between books and life. That doesn’t mean I won’t keep reviewing books as I read them, promoting books…etc. What I envision is me talking a bit more about the power books have in our lives and doing more tutorials for your Bookstagram accounts…etc. Maybe even some DIYs! Let me know if there is something specific you’d like to see. I’m excited for what is ahead and looking forward to going on this journey with all of you.
Speaking of books…. Since my mum passed away I haven’t been able to read. There are so many books I just couldn’t get into no matter how hard I tried. Honestly, I just haven’t felt like myself and it’s been very hard for me to find passion for anything lately. I feel burnt out and tired and even though my heart yearns to connect with the things I love it often times feels very numb. Last weekend I had a meeting at work and a very long break in between my shift and I headed over to trusty Barnes & Noble. I had a 15% off coupon and decided if I found anything that sparked my interest I would pick it up. I’ve been desperate to start reading again. I found the book “Paper Girl.” I didn’t realize it had just come out and it’s honestly such a good book. I feel like I was led to it on purpose and I’m thankful for it. I’m about 1/2 way through it. I will write a proper review once I finish it, but please check it out if you haven’t already…it’s SO good!!
Alright, enough of my rambling. lol I’ve missed you, can you tell? Expect more from me very soon! Sending you all heaps of love. Until next time, Happy Reading & Writing!!! <3